Why Content Works

Asset management firms are treasure troves of market insight and investment wisdom. Historically much of that knowledge and acumen has remained in-house, a portion shared with clients and potential clients, and a small fraction doled out publicly through quarterly letters, annual reports, press contact and media stories. In the era of social media and real-time, on-demand information, the consumption of investment information, news and thought leadership continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Firms that communicate only with the rigid schedule

Too Long, Didn’t Read: Is The Age Of 24/7 Content Killing The Quarterly Letter?

Despite their humble origins, annual and quarterly letters remain one of the most powerful communications tools available to portfolio managers and investment firms. Missives from investing legends like Warren Buffett, Jeremy Grantham, Ray Dalio, and Howard Marks are essential reading for many investors and advisors. These letters are eagerly anticipated and extensively covered by the financial media and serve as powerful branding tools for the managers, their firms, and their funds. For portfolio managers with great ideas and intriguing insight, but