Tony Denninger


Tony Denninger joined Hewes Communications in 1994 after a two-year term in the Budapest office of Burson-Marsteller, a communications subsidiary of Young & Rubicam. There he worked primarily for multinational companies attempting to establish a presence in Eastern Europe for the first time.

In his 30 years at Hewes, Tony has worked with all of Hewes’ clients with a special focus on applying his extensive knowledge of the financial media landscape. He focuses on developing tailored strategic media campaigns, using his extensive knowledge of financial media to develop opportunities that engage with the retail, advisor and institutional channels. Tony also oversees Hewes’ media monitoring processes and traffic flow. His expertise is in business and financial media relations and information systems management.

Tony graduated cum laude with a B.A. from Harvard University, where his studies were focused on writing, computer science and economics.

On reputation over the long term

At the heart of things, even though we have all this technology and different channels and means of communicating, we still believe it comes down to being a people business. When anyone makes a decision to put their hard-earned life savings in the hands of somebody else, they’re making some judgment about the people involved. And for the reporters that we work with and the influencers such as Morningstar and so on, the people are the key part.

So really what we do is long term relationship management on behalf of our clients, maintaining an institutional memory for the interactions and personalities involved, ensuring that needs are met and commitments honored, maintaining stability and continuity. That’s how you build and maintain a reputation over the long term.

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